
Built with Heat Dissipation Arrangement (HDA), UPOMPE UA Series range of pumps complied fully to the international standard DIN 24255. This standard covers both performance and dimensions. This pump included the back pull-out design, and when a suitable spacer coupling is fitted to direct coupled unit, the casing and motor can remain in position while all other pump parts can be removed for simple and quick maintenance. The volute is fitting with a replaceable wearing and has a suction vane to give smooth flow into double shrouded hydraulically balanced impeller. Only four shaft assemblies are required to cover the total range, and this gives many common interchangeable parts for pumps fitted to the same shaft. Standard pump is fitted wit ha packed stuffing box incorporating a lantern ring which included internal flushing by the liquids being pumped, or can be converted to external flushing, and all of these pumps can be fitted with a mechanical seal. Pumps can be supplied as a bare shaft unit or in many other arrangements, including complete with coupling, guard, base plate and either electric motor or engine.

Heat Dissipation Arrangement (HDA):

  • Reduce torque heat generated during shaft rotating within bearing housing (confine space).
  • Elevated bearing temperature will destroy the ability of the grease to lubricate the ball bearing. With HDA, bearing life span will be improved.
  • Reduce pump maintenance and downtime.
  • No additional wiring or add-in power needed for this HDA.